Tuesday 22 May 2007

prayer warrior

what a privelidge it is to meet together before each meeting and ask Gods blessing on every person who is attending. to cover the holy ground to prepare ourselves and each other for what God has in store for us, I have been made more and more aware of the blessings received when we commit ourselves to prayer. What more honour could there be than when God exposes himself in a glorious way as i can witness too. So often its easier to just sit in a chair on the outside unaware of the intercession surrounding you in the inner circle but what are you receiving?, to just walk into Gods presence and chatter about things that dont matter. how can we ask God to pour his blessings down on us when our mouths speak and not our hearts. 1 john 3-3 says every one who has hope in him purifies himself. We cannot live in the world and not at times get dirty its not only the robes we wear but thoughts we have, the words we speak the actions performed, if anyone can say I am spotless when approaching Gods presence then church has no place for them as they are as pure as the almighty himself. How can we stand in his holy presence lift holy hands sing joyously before we have cleansed ourselves of all our sins in repentance there is no better opportunity than to meet as a family to prepare the way for God to pour out his blessings on us. Last sunday morning and disciple college in the evening was just a taste of how God responses when the ground we walk on and hearts are ready by firstly by repentance how much more will God bless us if we are as one family come before him with a clean heart, try it join us sunday mornings in and around our church note the our because it is for all of us. I can witness to the glorious miricles God has granted when tears of repentance flow when the only words on the lips when coming before our God are to glorify him.

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