Week Three in our series of 'The Beach Party' encouraged us to Chill Out! The last two weeks we have Celebrated at the beach, and Got Wet! This week starting with Matthew 5, we were reminded we would be blessed when we hunger and thirst after more of God, we would be filled too! Our senior leader, Ian, reminded us that many come to church with little hunger because they are satisified in the things of the world, and therefore there is only a little room left for God. But its essential, we take time out to feed on God, and to rest in Him. We explored how God calls us to rest, as reflected in psalm 23, and how in that time, we can know Ministry from God, as we give to Him our burdens and our cares - as He invites us in Matthew, to come to Him and He will give us rest. By now carrying everything to God in prayer, we forfeit peace and indeed rest! It was great to see so many with us, despite so many away, and thank God for His Presence among us.
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