Tuesday, 2 September 2008
all over the world
Saturday the visitors to the town centre were blessed through the unity of international praise and worship represented in the various styles familiar to their individual churches. The town was ablaze through the colourful dresses singing dancing music. Abbie of the revival church led the worship, Blaze from leister led the instrumentals differing from rap to well known songs many in their own language the instruments and singing could be heard almost the town over. Tina and Dave Brooker daughter Shona demonstrated how Christ is celebrated through dance, giving an insight into street dancing and how even in the ordinary shopping areas we can all celebrate Christ in our lives. The Chinese Indian Zimbabwe & other African countries all rejoicing in unity realizing the truth of Gods word "After this there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from ever nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne and in front of the lamb" (revelations 7 v9) This amazing amalgumation and unity of differing races could only have been brought about through prayer, constant continuing prayer groups of people praying for unity of all churches many all day and night long on knees lying prostrait before the throne of God hearts crying reaching out for churches to unite as one church one people in Christ. My heart craves for the endtime of division of Gods people Ephesians 4 speaks of unity among Gods people, "when this comes about we shall attain the Whole measure of the fullness of Christ." join together with christian brothers and sisters in prayer for unity among all Gods people. Amen
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
amazing God
wow how amazing God is how faithful. I have seen more and more of his glory over the past year than in my life time, doesnt that tell us something God is saying listen move on and i have experienced this explosion of the Holy spirit in our church over recent years that i wonder how the world would take it how can we express in words to the unsaved. its staring you in the face, recently over the last three months i have been blessed by ministering to a dear friend who reached a cross roads in her ministry was suppressd by the enemy suffercated by those ubable to be open to Gods calling, I felt her pain and hurt God gave me a picture of a butterfly free to minister the way God led her, many times God told me your dealing with a unique ministry, misunderstood by some rejected by others suppressed by the suppressors upheld by those who live and breath in close relationship with our glorious Lord. constantly God reminded me your not dealing with a man made mould only I can mould you I created you, so often people who do not fit into the picture we feel church should be, are rejected by those God has annointed us to love , we prayed together we supported each other we just loved for who we are, although many times i was reminded my friend didnt fit the pattern avoid this, God held me firm in his knowledge of her heart and where this person was coming from. God reminded me of the sometimes misunderstood ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman when asked about childhood memories of Kathyn a women raised in her home town spoke with distain, inuendos snide insinuations all negative reminding me 0f matthew 13 v 57 a prophet is honoured everywhere except in his own country, this applied to Jesus and still applies to-day on some occasions, all this i saw in my friend and many times ministered on Gods faithfulness stand firm in the Lord, and you will be used mighterly, the strength God gave her to stay firm in her belief of the ministry God has honoured her with, The reason i am writing is a testamony of Gods faithfullness, My friend has been asked to take her ministry thousands of miles to Kenya all expences paid, to appear on the God chanel with her song and testamony, and so much more. The moral is listen to God, man will lead you his way, not always Gods way, Only through prayer can we achieve and be released in Gods will for us. closed sealed hands and soft knees will not lead us onward, bow to Gods will in prayer listen to his voice do not be misled by by the worldly attitude and wow.
Monday, 4 August 2008
the journey
sunday we met together for a time of prayer and reflection about ten people came together extremely good number for a prayer meeting as it doesnt entertain it isnt sitting back in a comfitable chair prayer is all about you and all effort comes from you.
The journey was a walk through prayer time taking the plan Jesus laid out for us The Lords prayer, howJesus lead us into gods presence, firstly we looked at how important order is to God he created in an order to achieve perfection. The Lords prayer takes us through order to achieve the ultimate intimatcy. The Bible is an example of Gods order, numbers are relevent and each have a prcific meaning.
No 1 represents singleness ephesians 4 v7 speaks of oneness John speaks of unity all together in oneness when we are speaking in prayer we are at oneness two people joined together as one.
no 2 represents the truth two witnesses to clarify the truth no 2 is used 21 times in Daniel and rev in respect of figure two
3 represents the Godhead the trinity
4 represents universal truth the four corners north south east and west the four winds all expressing God is for all in every direction
5 refers to the teaching the 5 books of moses are teaching books Jesus used the figure five in his ministry five loaves, five virgins all teaching
6 represents mankinds rebellion imperfection its used 273 times God created man on the 6th day and the rebellion is clear in that area in Rev 666 identifies the mark of satan it identifies the stain satan can leave on your life
7 represents perfection God completion of creation on the 7th day seven is the most important it represents everything of God
rev sets the foundations
seven churches the foundation
seven spirits the life of the church
seven candlesticks the light of Jesus
seven trumpets the sound that reaches out
seven thunders the warning beware theres rough weather ahead
seven mountains trials ahead to climb, endurance, faith.
seven slain the lost
seven kings the glory the prize the victory
The lords prayer is taken in seven stages
start the journey our father which art in heaven, call on his name call him into your presence before you take another step in your prayers
2 hallowed be thy name recognising the holiness the magestic position God has in our lives
3 thy Kindom come speaks of Gods authority its all about you jesus
4 thy will be done total submission giving ourselves totally into gods hands
5 having gone though stages 1-4 we have prepared the way cleared the path to be intermate in oneness with God. Give us this day our daily bread to enable us to be that position to ask to recognise his love and his grace over our lives the first four stages are important
6 forgive us our trespasses, with these words we recognise our own worthyness and how we have failed God its a time of cleansing asking protection over our lives
7 for thine is the kindom the final step in our Journey the ultimate triumph the reign over all
we followed this example as we went from stage to stage regarding our church.
The journey was a walk through prayer time taking the plan Jesus laid out for us The Lords prayer, howJesus lead us into gods presence, firstly we looked at how important order is to God he created in an order to achieve perfection. The Lords prayer takes us through order to achieve the ultimate intimatcy. The Bible is an example of Gods order, numbers are relevent and each have a prcific meaning.
No 1 represents singleness ephesians 4 v7 speaks of oneness John speaks of unity all together in oneness when we are speaking in prayer we are at oneness two people joined together as one.
no 2 represents the truth two witnesses to clarify the truth no 2 is used 21 times in Daniel and rev in respect of figure two
3 represents the Godhead the trinity
4 represents universal truth the four corners north south east and west the four winds all expressing God is for all in every direction
5 refers to the teaching the 5 books of moses are teaching books Jesus used the figure five in his ministry five loaves, five virgins all teaching
6 represents mankinds rebellion imperfection its used 273 times God created man on the 6th day and the rebellion is clear in that area in Rev 666 identifies the mark of satan it identifies the stain satan can leave on your life
7 represents perfection God completion of creation on the 7th day seven is the most important it represents everything of God
rev sets the foundations
seven churches the foundation
seven spirits the life of the church
seven candlesticks the light of Jesus
seven trumpets the sound that reaches out
seven thunders the warning beware theres rough weather ahead
seven mountains trials ahead to climb, endurance, faith.
seven slain the lost
seven kings the glory the prize the victory
The lords prayer is taken in seven stages
start the journey our father which art in heaven, call on his name call him into your presence before you take another step in your prayers
2 hallowed be thy name recognising the holiness the magestic position God has in our lives
3 thy Kindom come speaks of Gods authority its all about you jesus
4 thy will be done total submission giving ourselves totally into gods hands
5 having gone though stages 1-4 we have prepared the way cleared the path to be intermate in oneness with God. Give us this day our daily bread to enable us to be that position to ask to recognise his love and his grace over our lives the first four stages are important
6 forgive us our trespasses, with these words we recognise our own worthyness and how we have failed God its a time of cleansing asking protection over our lives
7 for thine is the kindom the final step in our Journey the ultimate triumph the reign over all
we followed this example as we went from stage to stage regarding our church.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
prayer ministry
The teaching on prayer ministry held tues evening and wednesday afternoon, opened with prayer. The first part of the course considered Jesus past present and future, is the ministry needed today as much as 2,000 years ago, There is a desperate need in the present church to rediscover the dynamic and powerful preaching and ministry of christ. So many today reflect on what was instead of experiencing what is.
The disciples- What is the role of a disciple of christ ?. All present agreed it is taking the power and authority given to us by christ and using this to emulate God in the lives of others.
Was penticost just for disciples 2000 years ago do we have the faith to believe that God will heal the sick raise the dead do we the church today have that authority? if your answer is yes then we the group gathered and yourself are in total agreement and already on the same path.
The following section was entitled
The disciples believed in his name, something would happen faith moves mountains, do we have that faith today. Jesus taught the kindom of God was about the reign of God in the lives of people. Many were damaged by circumstance, bitterness,pain resentment, whats different today?
The question asked was do you believe that disciples are called to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ to-day, all gathered to-gether were in agreement that prayer ministry is as revelevent today as it was when Christ walked on this earth.
The course went on to explain that the discipleship is not part of our lives, it is our life. Learning is an ongoing experience for disciples but there is a need to put this knowledge into practice, disciple accept that they have not stopped learning because there is no more to learn but are open to receive so they might live out their lives effectively proclaiming a living Christ.
The whole purpose and mission of Jesus and following on his disciples is recorded in Luke 4: 18/19
The course contiued in expressing the need of a prayer minister to recognise that all is called by God everone has the authority the power to minister in some way to the hurt the needy the sick the desperate people, we are but a vessel used by God at Gods calling, We need before ministering to others to cleanse and prepare ourselves, to realise we need firstly to bless God for his works among us, we need to pray that God will use his power and work with us, we need firstly to believe that God answers prayer in whichever way he chooses (not my will but yours)
We need to recognise that the person we may be supporting at that time may need for themselves the freedom to be alone with Christ and take a step back to allow this to happen, its God they need and the role of a prayer minister is to be ready to support to pray with and for, or just to stand with them caring for them loving them that may be all they need.
Sometimes when God manifests himself in a mighty way the crown can be taken from him look what has happened through and by me, a person notorious in successfull way God has used them can become the God to some people who will travel the length of the earth to hear them speak and expect results to happen through that person. God will manifest himself anywhere anytime if we allow this if we have faith to believe if we take the authority and power given to us and use this to emulate Gods presence in our lives and the lives of all we have contact with.
The disciples- What is the role of a disciple of christ ?. All present agreed it is taking the power and authority given to us by christ and using this to emulate God in the lives of others.
Was penticost just for disciples 2000 years ago do we have the faith to believe that God will heal the sick raise the dead do we the church today have that authority? if your answer is yes then we the group gathered and yourself are in total agreement and already on the same path.
The following section was entitled
The disciples believed in his name, something would happen faith moves mountains, do we have that faith today. Jesus taught the kindom of God was about the reign of God in the lives of people. Many were damaged by circumstance, bitterness,pain resentment, whats different today?
The question asked was do you believe that disciples are called to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ to-day, all gathered to-gether were in agreement that prayer ministry is as revelevent today as it was when Christ walked on this earth.
The course went on to explain that the discipleship is not part of our lives, it is our life. Learning is an ongoing experience for disciples but there is a need to put this knowledge into practice, disciple accept that they have not stopped learning because there is no more to learn but are open to receive so they might live out their lives effectively proclaiming a living Christ.
The whole purpose and mission of Jesus and following on his disciples is recorded in Luke 4: 18/19
The course contiued in expressing the need of a prayer minister to recognise that all is called by God everone has the authority the power to minister in some way to the hurt the needy the sick the desperate people, we are but a vessel used by God at Gods calling, We need before ministering to others to cleanse and prepare ourselves, to realise we need firstly to bless God for his works among us, we need to pray that God will use his power and work with us, we need firstly to believe that God answers prayer in whichever way he chooses (not my will but yours)
We need to recognise that the person we may be supporting at that time may need for themselves the freedom to be alone with Christ and take a step back to allow this to happen, its God they need and the role of a prayer minister is to be ready to support to pray with and for, or just to stand with them caring for them loving them that may be all they need.
Sometimes when God manifests himself in a mighty way the crown can be taken from him look what has happened through and by me, a person notorious in successfull way God has used them can become the God to some people who will travel the length of the earth to hear them speak and expect results to happen through that person. God will manifest himself anywhere anytime if we allow this if we have faith to believe if we take the authority and power given to us and use this to emulate Gods presence in our lives and the lives of all we have contact with.
Monday, 7 July 2008
The commisioning of the cadets on saturday was an awesome day, every thing seemed to move in unison The music the songs the introductions testimony`s the speakers all went according to plan, yet sitting in the chapel praying for and with the cadets clearly expressed the nervousness and fears, 24 people stepping out into the unknown in faith answering the call to devote their lives to the mission entrusted to them. Each person an individual yet so often fitted into a slot already founded for them by tradition, by church history by set minds. My prayers for all these cadets are that the fire within them the enthusiasm to step forward, the dedication to Gods will,will not be doused but the fla.mes be fanned by the many people placed into their care, they will be allowed to build and grow spiritually, personally, and lead the church to the fullness of Gods glory. Psalm 19 " the heavens declare the glory of God" And we the people will declare the glory of god as we as a witness bathe in that glory, For some we have come to a time of sad farewells but farewell shouldnt be a shut door but a door left open wide to allow the love and dedication to us by our passing ministers to be a cornerstone in our lives to be built on uphold us and allow us to grieve with the joy and knowledge that although they have moved physically spiritually they will always be with us. my prayers also reach out to the officers as they go to their new appointments, I pray that just has God has gone before them they will feel his peace and love surround them and their families.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
The church stepped out in faith on saturday speaking to the public in tenterden, expressing the love of god and offering to pray with and for them. Many responded recognising god as their salvation through prayer. it is humbling to be entrusted with matters nearest to people heart. Many asked prayer for health, for family, for hurt in the world today. There were many also those who`s response was no thanks i`m fine The question must be are we ever fine? to me those words say im alright i dont need god at the moment , but can we live without god, we can exist in the worldly sense, but are we alive do we feel that comforting assurance Ps 119 says may your unfailing love be my comfort. Do those words say im aright and i dont care about the others i have nothing to pray for. Its so easy to bypass the things that really matter and not consider them as important enough to ask gods help in changing them in blessing them and yet to spend a great deal of time asking god to do things for us, when we ourselves are not willing to give something back through our love of others. The Christianity magazine in an article spoke the of revival that is pouring out world wide from its starting point floridor its exciting its revitalizing, its raising Gods people, John Buckeridge summed up his article with these words " if these things help you to love your neighbour more, if your healed for action, filled for purpose its good, but revival must start in us revival is sacrificial love for the lost world. Its so easy to sit back and enthuse in the miracles God is pouring out on his people, what are we ourselves giving. is it right to say im alright when there a is lost world out there, if we ourselves feel we have no need of gods intercession are we truly christian hearted if when at time we are invited to open up and pray as a church united there remains silence among us, should we be able to hold back from shouting out our prayers on behalf of the thousands of lost souls. Its important that we uphold each other in prayer as a church family its also important that we intercede for those unable to do so as they dont YET know God. There is always something to speak to God about dont let us waste the many opportunites given to us and let our voices be silent but that precious time fruitfully
Monday, 16 June 2008
prayer matters concerning prayer,prayer matters because we care ,prayer matters everywhere.
believe it, live it and declair it
every day every minute of the day there is a mighty revival covering this land like a blanket why? because people are bothering enough to thank God to praise God to lift God up thousands are being healed physically others are being saved others are being resurected from death , others are liturally being coated in Gods great Glory some being coated in Gold others without having dental treatment are finding their caverties in their teeth filled with gold why is this happening , because people are waking up !.. recognising that God doesnt make fruitless promises his promises were are and always will be true.
bodies are being healed families restored Instead of wasting fruitless time talking about our aches and pains how much medication we take how sad it is that that person isnt well that wont heal anyone but take it to the lord almighty he can do something about it. why are people flocking to floridor to sample and witness Gods Glory to feel that enormous revival. when God is here in our church in our homes in our schools in our communities crying out to us to answer his call come to me. become a soldier in the battle for britain that is a spiritual warfare being fought at this moment of time to raise awareness of Gods glory within this island of ours people all over the world are praying for our land right now.
let me give a taste of what i am witnessing at this moment a women watching program on tv in her own home suffering damaged kidneys just been healed, cancers being healed leprers being healed .deafnes being healed after 59 years of deafness just by watching tv.Catch that fire dont let this moment go over our heads or you will remain in barron exile from the goodness gods is crying out for us right now, why has God chosen right now to manifest in this enourmous way we dont know but we do know that when God himself manifested in the shape of man to arouse the people he loved so much to bring the truth to us mortals to raise us out of the darkness he was rejected scorned abused finally killed are we again going to scorn, ignore, Gods great outpouring
that is so evi,dent at this moment of time, catch that fire catch that outpouring of Gods spirit catch that God is offering you today its so easy, just open your arms, closed arms only hold themselves nothing else, open arms reach out and say im ready lord, closed hearts feel nothing open hearts feel joy love excitement. bodies settled into comfortable seats only rest the body, knees bent in reverence in front of Gods presence says I honour you. open your eyes to the Glory of God that is covering this land NOW dont let this moment pass. thousands and thousands are responding and God is responding to their faithfullness let that be YOU
believe it, live it and declair it
every day every minute of the day there is a mighty revival covering this land like a blanket why? because people are bothering enough to thank God to praise God to lift God up thousands are being healed physically others are being saved others are being resurected from death , others are liturally being coated in Gods great Glory some being coated in Gold others without having dental treatment are finding their caverties in their teeth filled with gold why is this happening , because people are waking up !.. recognising that God doesnt make fruitless promises his promises were are and always will be true.
bodies are being healed families restored Instead of wasting fruitless time talking about our aches and pains how much medication we take how sad it is that that person isnt well that wont heal anyone but take it to the lord almighty he can do something about it. why are people flocking to floridor to sample and witness Gods Glory to feel that enormous revival. when God is here in our church in our homes in our schools in our communities crying out to us to answer his call come to me. become a soldier in the battle for britain that is a spiritual warfare being fought at this moment of time to raise awareness of Gods glory within this island of ours people all over the world are praying for our land right now.
let me give a taste of what i am witnessing at this moment a women watching program on tv in her own home suffering damaged kidneys just been healed, cancers being healed leprers being healed .deafnes being healed after 59 years of deafness just by watching tv.Catch that fire dont let this moment go over our heads or you will remain in barron exile from the goodness gods is crying out for us right now, why has God chosen right now to manifest in this enourmous way we dont know but we do know that when God himself manifested in the shape of man to arouse the people he loved so much to bring the truth to us mortals to raise us out of the darkness he was rejected scorned abused finally killed are we again going to scorn, ignore, Gods great outpouring
that is so evi,dent at this moment of time, catch that fire catch that outpouring of Gods spirit catch that God is offering you today its so easy, just open your arms, closed arms only hold themselves nothing else, open arms reach out and say im ready lord, closed hearts feel nothing open hearts feel joy love excitement. bodies settled into comfortable seats only rest the body, knees bent in reverence in front of Gods presence says I honour you. open your eyes to the Glory of God that is covering this land NOW dont let this moment pass. thousands and thousands are responding and God is responding to their faithfullness let that be YOU
Sunday, 12 August 2007

Wednesday, 8 August 2007
As many people have headed off, or are heading off to the various summer camps, we recognise not everyone is able to do that, and so locally we hold our own! Although on a much smaller scale, we provide a days programme of activities and events, giving people opportunity to have time out, people opportunity to be lost and overwhelmed with God, and to give quaility time to The Word of God, and to being open to the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. Our theme and focus will be OVERWHELMED, and we do encourage everyone that is able to give sometime during the week, which we believe will be a signficiant time for the church we are part of, but also for anyone else that will join with us.
The programme for the week is as follows:-
Prayer and Share from 10.30am, time aside in peoples homes to look at the Word, to worship and to discuss, this will conclude about 12noon
Prayer Zones will fill our church centre, with lots of prayer activities, guides and more to engage in. There will also be some worship and teaching videos played, and a guide to going out prayer walking. This is from 1pm
Bible Study and Application around our theme for the week will be held from 4.30pm.
Family Meal is provided from 6pm
Evening Celebration from 7.30pm-9pm - worship and prayer ministry will be the main focus.
Transportation is available. Please do come and share with us, and if you need transport, then please let us know.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
prayer warrior
saturday 14th July 2007 was a significant day for the church not only was it a time of witness a time support through finance but also a time when so many lives were touched through faith in Jesus Christ.
So many people responded to the call of prayer so many entrusted to complete strangers the things on their hearts families,friends,world issues, illness, bereavment family breakup, prayers far reaching the boundries of tenterden prayers were requested for loved ones in
50 prayer requests were recorded, It makes me realize how humble i feel having these precious thoughts, needs, and petitions held in our hands and how responsible we must be in honouring these people the verse i have adopted to hold close to our hearts as we pray for these people is 1 cor 4 v2 now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. The list is to long for me to mention each request individually, I put my trust in the Almighty God he knows each individually.
So many people responded to the call of prayer so many entrusted to complete strangers the things on their hearts families,friends,world issues, illness, bereavment family breakup, prayers far reaching the boundries of tenterden prayers were requested for loved ones in
50 prayer requests were recorded, It makes me realize how humble i feel having these precious thoughts, needs, and petitions held in our hands and how responsible we must be in honouring these people the verse i have adopted to hold close to our hearts as we pray for these people is 1 cor 4 v2 now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. The list is to long for me to mention each request individually, I put my trust in the Almighty God he knows each individually.
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